So, these are some of the significant causes of 100% Disk Usage and that makes your computer sluggish and vulnerable.

Disable Windows Update Service What Causes 100% Disk Usage In Windows 10 Installers of a good deal of software today do install a Node instance, and make it run on startup.10. Yet that does not really provide a solution to the problem of having malware (for that see: Help! My home PC has been infected by a virus! What do I do now?)Įxtra note: I'll repeat again, check first all the system services. Monitoring the traffic you can show to what your machine is talking and (often) what is the content of the communication. a machine acting a s a router, you can even find traffic generated by well hidden malware.) (By monitoring traffic on an intermediate machine, e.g. rootkits) can hide itself from monitoring made on the same machine, your malware does not appear to be very good at hiding anyway. Nevertheless, you should install Wireshark (or similar) and monitor the traffic of the machine in question. Just note that a complex OS like Windows 10 do have several ways of building a service, the most common way should be the Startup directory (which has its own tab in the task manager). If you do have a process that starts automatically and that cannot be properly traced to a binary you installed or configured I would suspect malware alright.